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  Women's Group

Shikokho Women's Group (SWG)
Ikolomani Division
Idako South Location
Shitoli Sub-Location

SWG began when a number of members attended the 1980 United Nations International Women's Conference in Nairobi. With this empowering experience, we returned to the village and enlisted members to begin actively assisting in the betterment of life in our village. We were registered July 29, 1981 as a Self-Help Group (registration #1046/81) with the Kenyan Department of Social Services. At first, the philosophy of self-help or harambe encouraged members to assist each other in times of need. For example; school fees, burial costs, small emergency loans, and farm labor support. By 1988 we began organizational work for community development in six project areas.

Project Priorities:
• Community Health Clinic
• Adult Education
• Poultry Raising
• Sewing Project
• Tree Planting
• Handicrafts

We are a committed and caring group of women in the village. Most of us are subsistence farmers (female farming system), farming the land of our husband's. Most of our husbands have moved away to find income generating jobs so to send money back for our families. We each have 3 to 10 children and have, of course, hopes of education for many. Some of us have secondary education and some have children living and contributing from Nairobi.

Since 1989, SWG has worked in partnership with Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (CCPC) on a variety of projects. Through CCPC support, the village now has a health clinic and diagnostic services, housing for nurses and doctors, a maternity wing, and an ongoing sewing concern and poultry raising project. The clinic is a registered vaccination center and from time to time, staff mobilizes to visit hard to reach schools and villages.

These activities are made possible with volunteer assistance from SWG members and the people and youth of the community of Shikokho. Shikokho's development is truly a community effort. While there is still no electricity or running water, the enthusiasm and commitment of the villagers is unique and far-reaching. Currently, we are in the process of realizing our dream of installing electricity and safe water for all.

The Shikokho Women's Group cordially invites you to visit our community, meet our members, and discuss our future and further development.

The women of Shikokho
Shikokho is a mission of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (CCPC). Visit the CCPC web site.