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Shikokho Weather (Western Province only)

March - August: coldest months, about 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night Rains at least one hour per day in late afternoon, called the "long rains", coolest month is July

May and June: of the rainy season, May & June are the rainiest, could rain every day all day, "long rains"

September - December: rains one hour per day ("short rains")

December - March: dry months up to 75 degrees Farenheit with intense sun

August and December are the best months to travel to Shikokho. There is a 2 week break in the rain in August, and December is just before it gets dry and dusty. The schools are also on holiday in August & December so there are plenty of young people around to assist with translating
Shikokho is a mission of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church (CCPC). Visit the CCPC web site.